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Certified SSP/ILS Home Coach
Renewed Hope offers innovative home-based listening therapy programs for pediatric clients age 0 - 17, provided by a parent to their own child in their own home, with the support and guidance of a Certified Listening Therapy Home Coach with monthly remote telehealth coaching sessions.
Integrated Listening Systems use specially filtered auditory input designed to help address difficulties your child may have including learning difficulties, sensory integration problems, difficulty interacting with others, difficulty calming or sleeping, or difficulty speaking or listening, or help children diagnosed with ADD / ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, or Intellectual Disabilities with the goal of bringing your child to a place of improved learning capabilities.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy services are offered only in-person at theRenewed Hope Pediatric Therapy clinic, led by Linda Christensen, PT, offering services on an appointment only basis. Our clinic is for children ages 0 -17 offering innovative therapies provided by a licensed PT.
Services include all traditional therapies, including Primitive Reflex Integration, Balance Training, Graston Technique, Manual Therapies, Pediatric Kinesio Taping, Sensory Integration Therapies, In-person Integrated Listening Systems Focus and Safe and Sound Protocol listening therapies.
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